Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Mood Boards

This is my first mood board, Our theme is the Uncanny, our aim is to create a two minute piece that experiments with a visual effect, a special effect and use of green screen. Our idea takes inspiration from the uncanny in literature, we chose Edgar Allen Poe's 'The Raven' and Franz Kafka's 'Metamorphosis' . Both pieces feature animals that take on human characteristics. We wanted to represent the animals in shadow form on the wall, this will be our special effect. 
My mood board reflects some of my ideas, for the shadows, I feel like this is going to be a challenge creating the shapes and having the right lighting, but i feel that learning this technique will benefit me in future projects as it can be quite effective.
 On my mood board also is some samples of old fashioned wallpaper, we wanted to go with a gothic decaying feel for our installation, we thought that it might be a bit generic for the theme of uncanny, but we just thought more than anything that it would be fun to do as so much of the work we do is extremely concerned with being perfect and polished and its nice to experiment.

This is my second mood board, i created this using pictures from my first mood board to see how some of the wallpaper textures would look on the installation wall, i also put a few of the ravens in to see how they would look. Because the main focus of our film is the main character pulling the wallpaper off and clawing through a hole to see his alter ego i also displayed this using the photoshop skills i learnt in lesson time. I think this works quite effectively and it has really helped me gain a clearer picture of how i want the installation to look, i have never used this technique before but i am very pleased with the results.

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